About Me
Farshad Khunjush received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Computer Engineering from Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, in 1991 and 1995, respectively, and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada, in 2008. He was a Post-Doctoral fellow at the Laboratory for Parallel and Intelligent Systems (LAPIS), Victoria, BC, Canada, from 2008 to 2009. He joined the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Shiraz University in 2009. He served as the head of System/Software Engineering (2010–2014) and was acting as CIO of Shiraz University (2014–2020). He was a visiting professor at EPFL in Switzerland in 2019 and Fall semester 2023-2024. He was also a visiting professor at the University of Toronto in Canada (2020–2021). His research interests include Multi-Core & Parallel Computer Architectures, Multi-Core & Parallel Programming Paradigms, Cloud Computing, Big-Data Processing, distributed AI systems, and at scale Communication Optimization.
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and other types of emerging accelerators have an important role in high-performance computing. By appropriate programming for these devices with programming paradigms such as CUDA and OpenCL, we can achieve significant performance in a wide range of applications. However, programming GPUs is a painful and error-prone task and requires a great amount of expertise especially in low-level architectural features as well as their memory management in order to achieve reasonable performance. These are the publications about applications of GPGPU, GPU runtimes and compilers.
- Bahram Yarahmadi and Farshad Khunjush, "Bamshad: A JIT Compiler for running Java Stream APIs on heterogeneous environments", The 19th CSI International Symposium on Computer Architecture & Digital Systems (CADS 2017), Kish Island, Iran, December 21-22, 2017.
- Pantea Zardoshti, Farshad Khunjush, and Hamid Sarbazi-Azad. 2016. "Adaptive sparse matrix representation for efficient matrix---vector multiplication". J. Supercomput. 72, 9 (September 2016), 3366-3386. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11227-015-1571-0
- Mahmoud Shirazi, Mehdi Kargahi, Farshad Khunjush, ”Gauss-Jordan Matrix Inversion Speed-Up using GPUs with the Consideration of Power Consumption,” INFOCOMP 2015, 32.
- Puya Memarzia, Farshad Khunjush, ”Exploring gpu memory performance using digital image processing algorithms,” Indian journal of computer science and engineering (IJSCE) 5 (6), 2014.
- Sayyed Ali Mirsoleimani, Ali Karami, and Farshad Khunjush. 2013. "A parallel memetic algorithm on GPU to solve the task scheduling problem in heterogeneous environments". In Proceedings of the 15th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation (GECCO '13), Christian Blum (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1181-1188. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/2463372.2463518
- Amin Foshati and Farshad Khunjush. 2012. "A novel implementation of double precision and real valued ICA algorithm for bioinformatics applications on GPUs". In Proceedings of the 18th international conference on Parallel processing workshops (Euro-Par'12), Ioannis Caragiannis, Michael Alexander, Rosa Maria Badia, Mario Cannataro, and Alexandru Costan (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 285-294. DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36949-0_31
- S.A. Mirsoleimani, Farshad Khunjush, ”Solving Sudoku Puzzle on GPU Using Parallel Genetic Algorithm,” book of abstracts, HPCS 2011, pp. 21, Montral, Canada, June 15- 17, 2011.
- R. Mokhtari, A. Abbasi, F. Khunjush and R. Azimi, ”Soren: Adaptive MapReduce for Programmable GPUs,” Proceedings, the 4th International Workshop on Programmability Issues for Heterogeneous Multicores (MULTIPROG 2011), held in conjunction with Hipeac 2011, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, January 23, 2011.
Understanding performance bottlenecks of applications in high-performance computing can lead to dramatic improvements in their performances. For example, a key problem in GPU programming is finding performance bottlenecks and solving them to reach the best possible performance. These bottlenecks in GPU architectures include a number of factors such as memory access latency, branch divergence, utilization, and the amount of existing parallelism. In addition, a simple profiling cannot demonstrate the relations between these bottlenecks. These are the publications related to Performance Modeling.
- S. Ali Mirsoleimani, Farshad Khunjush, and Ali Karami. 2015. "A two-tier design space exploration algorithm to construct GPU performance model". J. Syst. Archit. 61, 10 (November 2015), 576-583. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sysarc.2015.07.006
- Ali Karami, Farshad Khunjush, and Seyyed Ali Mirsoleimani. 2015. "A statistical performance analyzer framework for OpenCL kernels on Nvidia GPUs". J. Supercomput. 71, 8 (August 2015), 2900-2921. DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11227-014-1338-z
- S. Ali Mirsoleimani, Ali Karami, and Farshad Khunjush. 2014. "A Two-Tier Design Space Exploration Algorithm to Construct a GPU Performance Predictor". In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems ARCS 2014 - Volume 8350, Erik Maehle, Kay Römer, Wolfgang Karl, and Eduardo Tovar (Eds.), Vol. 8350. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 135-146. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-04891-8_12
- R. Mokhtari, A. Abbasi, F. Khunjush and R. Azimi, ”Soren: Adaptive MapReduce for Programmable GPUs,” Proceedings, the 4th International Workshop on Programmability Issues for Heterogeneous Multicores (MULTIPROG 2011), held in conjunction with Hipeac 2011, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, January 23, 2011.
Burgeoning market for cloud applications has brought significant interest for cloud providers. They look for methods to maximize their profit margins by executing higher number of jobs while minimizing the operational costs and environmental footprints. Energy consumption of servers plays a crucial role in operational costs. There have been different methods to deal with energy consumption from hardware level to higher layers of abstractions such as compilers and operating systems.
- Seyedmehdi Hosseinimotlagh, Farshad Khunjush, and Rashidaldin Samadzadeh. 2015. "SEATS: smart energy-aware task scheduling in real-time cloud computing". J. Supercomput. 71, 1 (January 2015), 45-66. DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11227-014-1276-9
- Seyedmehdi Hosseinimotlagh, Farshad Khunjush, and Seyedmahyar Hosseinimotlagh. 2014. "Migration-less Energy-Aware Task Scheduling Policies in Cloud Environments". In Proceedings of the 2014 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA '14). IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA, 391-397. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/WAINA.2014.66
- Seyedmehdi Hosseinimotlagh, Farshad Khunjush, and Seyedmahyar Hosseinimotlagh. 2014. "A Cooperative Two-Tier Energy-Aware Scheduling for Real-Time Tasks in Computing Clouds". In Proceedings of the 2014 22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP '14). IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA, 178-182. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/PDP.2014.91
Data sets grow rapidly- in part because they are increasingly gathered by cheap and numerous information-sensing Internet of things devices such as mobile devices, aerial (remote sensing), software logs, cameras, microphones, radio-frequency identification (RFID) readers and wireless sensor networks.
- Javad Dogani, Ali Yazdanpanah, Arash Zare, and Farshad Khunjush, "A two-tier multi-objective service placement in container-based fog-cloud computing platforms," Journal of Cluster Computing, Volum 27, Issue 4, pp. 4491-4514, 2024.
- Javad Dogani and Farshad Khunjush, "Proactive auto-scaling technique for web applications in container-based edge computing using federated learning model," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 187, pp. 104837-, 2024.
- M. Seydali, F. Khunjush, and J. Dogani, "Streaming traffic classification: a hybrid deep learning and big data approach," Journal of Cluster Computing, pp. 1-29, 2024.
- M. Seydali, F. Khunjush, B. Akbari and J. Dogani, "CBS: A Deep Learning Approach for Encrypted Traffic Classification With Mixed Spatio-Temporal and Statistical Features," IEEE Access, Volume 11, pp. 141674-141702, 2023.
- Javad Dogani, Reza Namvar, and Farshad Khunjush, "Auto-scaling techniques in container-based cloud and edge/fog computing: Taxonomy and survey," Journal of Computer Communications, Volume 209, pp. 120-150, 2023.
- Javad Dogani, Farshad Khunjush, Mohammad Reza Mahmoudi, and Mehdi Seydali, "Multivariate workload and resource prediction in cloud computing using CNN and GRU by attention mechanism," The Journal of Supercomputing, Volum 79, Issue 3, pp. 3437-3470, 2023.
- Javad Dogani, Farshad Khunjush, and Mehdi Seydali, "Host load prediction in cloud computing with Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BiGRU) network," Journal of Computer Communications, Volume 198, pp. 157-174, 2023.
- Javad Dogani, Farshad Khunjush, and Mehdi Seydali, "K-AGRUED: A Container Autoscaling Technique for Cloud-based Web Applications in Kubernetes Using Attention-based GRU Encoder-Decoder," Journal of Grid Computing, Volume 20, Issue 4, pp. 1-32, 2022.
- Bahram Yarahmadi and Farshad Khunjush, "Bamshad: A JIT Compiler for running Java Stream APIs on heterogeneous environments", The 19th CSI International Symposium on Computer Architecture & Digital Systems (CADS 2017), Kish Island, Iran, December 21-22, 2017.
- Sayyed Ali Mirsoleimani, Ali Karami, and Farshad Khunjush. 2013. "A parallel memetic algorithm on GPU to solve the task scheduling problem in heterogeneous environments". In Proceedings of the 15th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation (GECCO '13), Christian Blum (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1181-1188. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/2463372.2463518
- Masoud Ebrahimi and Farshad Khunjush, ”Second Level Parallelism using SIMD Accelerators on Heterogeneous MapReduce Clusters,” Proceedings the 24th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2012), USA, November 12-14, 2012.
- Amin Abbasi, Farshad Khunjush, and Reza Azimi, ”A Preliminary Study of Incorporating GPUs in the Hadoop Framework,” Proceedings, 16th International Symposium on Computer Architecture & Digital Systems (CADS 2012), Iran, May 2012.
The way in which measures from environment are taken has changed. In the past, different sensors close to the point of interest were placed and wired to a central station where the processing was carried out. Currently, the new paradigm of massive measurement is represented by wireless sensor networks. In this new scenario, distributed tiny nodes measure parameters and send the information wirelessly and even process data locally, performing distributed computing in the network. These nodes are autonomous and nonintrusive.
- Saeed Mehrjoo and Farshad Khunjush. 2018. "Accurate compressive data gathering in wireless sensor networks using weighted spatio-temporal compressive sensing". Telecommun. Syst. 68, 1 (May 2018), 79-88. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-017-0376-2
- Saeid Mehrjoo, Farshad Khunjush, ”Optimal data aggregation tree in wireless sensor networks based on improved river formation dynamics,” Accepted for publication in Computational Intelligence.
Graduate Courses | Years |
Advanced Computer Architectures | 2009-2024 |
Cloud Computing | 2017-2023 |
Advanced Operating Systems | 2009-2018 |
Multi-Core & Parallel Programming | 2009-2023 |
Undergraduate Courses | Years |
Fundamentals of Computer Science | 2009-2010 |
GPU Programming | 2015-2024 |
Digital System Design | 2010-2024 |
Computer Architecture | 2009-2023 |
Student | Year | Degree |
Alireza Joonbakhsh | 2024 | Ph.D. |
Alireza Ghasemi | 2023 | MS.c. |
Mohammad Mojtba Roshani | 2023 | MS.c. |
Alireza Rostami | 2023 | MS.c. |
Sara Abbasi | 2022 | MS.c. |
Hassan Sattarinia | 2022 | MS.c. |
Hosna Hedayati | 2022 | MS.c. |
- Computer Communications
- Concurrency & Computation: Practice and Experience
- IEEE Access
- IEEE Transaction on Computers
- The Journal of Supercomputing (Springer)
- Journal of Systems and Softwares (Elsevier)
- Journal of Information Security and Applications (Elsevier)
Role | Coference Name | Location | Year |
Track Chair | The 30th International Conference on Computer (Computer Society of Iran) CSICC2025 | Sharif University, Tehran, Iran | 2025 |
Program Committee | 2024 The 5th CPSSI International Symposium on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSAT 2024) | IPM, Tehran, Iran | 2024 |
Track Chair | The 28th International Conference on Computer (Computer Society of Iran) CSICC2023 | Sharif University, Tehran, Iran | 2023 |
Program Committee | 2022 The CSI International Symposium on Real-Time and Embedded Systems and Technologies (RTEST 2022) | IUST, Tehran, Iran | 2022 |
Track Chair | The 27th International Conference on Computer (Computer Society of Iran) CSICC2022 | Sharif University, Tehran, Iran | 2022 |
Title | Year |
Executive Editor for Journal of Computing Science and Information Technology (Computer Society of Iran's Journal | 2022−Present |
Member of the Board (Derak Cloud Company) | 2019−Present |
Director of Multi-Core and Many-Core Processing Center | 2009−Present |
Chair of the Board (Derak Cloud Company) | 2019−2024 |
Member of Fars Province Electronic Government Committee | 2018−2020 |
CIO of Shiraz University | 2014−2020 |
Director of 7th Region of Iran’s Universities ICT Centers | 2014−2020 |
Member of Fars Province Information Technology Committee | 2014−2020 |
Member of Shiraz Intelligent City Committee | 2018−2019 |
Member of Board Shiraz Municipality ICT Center | 2018−2019 |
Head of System/Software Engineering group | 2010−2014 |
Journal Publications
- Javad Dogani, Ali Yazdanpanah, Arash Zare, andFarshad Khunjush, "A two-tier multi-objective service placement in container-based fog-cloud computing platforms," Journal of Cluster Computing, Volum 27, Issue 4, pp. 4491-4514, 2024.
- Javad Dogani and Farshad Khunjush , "Proactive auto-scaling technique for web applications in container-based edge computing using federated learning model," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 187, pp. 104837-, 2024.
- M. Seydali, F. Khunjush , and J. Dogani, "Streaming traffic classification: a hybrid deep learning and big data approach," Journal of Cluster Computing, pp. 1-29, 2024.
- M. Seydali, F. Khunjush , B. Akbari and J. Dogani, "CBS: A Deep Learning Approach for Encrypted Traffic Classification With Mixed Spatio-Temporal and Statistical Features," IEEE Access, Volume 11, pp. 141674-141702, 2023.
- Javad Dogani, Reza Namvar, and Farshad Khunjush , "Auto-scaling techniques in container-based cloud and edge/fog computing: Taxonomy and survey," Journal of Computer Communications, Volume 209, pp. 120-150, 2023.
- Javad Dogani, Farshad Khunjush , Mohammad Reza Mahmoudi, and Mehdi Seydali, "Multivariate workload and resource prediction in cloud computing using CNN and GRU by attention mechanism," The Journal of Supercomputing, Volum 79, Issue 3, pp. 3437-3470, 2023.
- Javad Dogani, Farshad Khunjush , and Mehdi Seydali, "Host load prediction in cloud computing with Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BiGRU) network," Journal of Computer Communications, Volume 198, pp. 157-174, 2023.
- Javad Dogani, Farshad Khunjush, and Mehdi Seydali, "K-AGRUED: A Container Autoscaling Technique for Cloud-based Web Applications in Kubernetes Using Attention-based GRU Encoder-Decoder," Journal of Grid Computing, Volume 20, Issue 4, pp. 1-32, 2022.
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Conference / Workshop Publications
- Javad Dogani and Farshad Khunjush, "Cloud Service Composition Using Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization," 2021 11th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Knowledge (ICCKE), pp. 98-104, 2021.
- Saleh Afzoon, Nabi Rezvani, and Farshad Khunjush , "Enabling the Analysis of Mental Health Patterns Using an Efficient Machine Learning Approach," 2021 IEEE 25th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop (EDOCW), pp. 59-66, 2021, Australia.
- Majid Salimi Beni, Amir Hossein Sojoodi ,and Farshad Khunjush, "A GPU-Enabled Extension for Apache Ignite to Facilitate Running Genetic Algorithms," Proceedings CADS 2020, Rasht, Iran.
- Arash Qodratnama, Farshad Khunjush, Mohsen Raji, "A Methodology for the Accurate SPICE-compatible Modelling of MSM Photodetectors for Nanophotonic Interconnects," 27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), pp. 130-134, 2019.
- Bahram Yarahmadi and Farshad Khunjush, "Bamshad: A JIT Compiler for running Java Stream APIs on heterogeneous environments", The 19th CSI International Symposium on Computer Architecture & Digital Systems (CADS 2017), Kish Island, Iran, December 21-22, 2017.
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Department of Computer Science & Engineering
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Phone: +98-713-230-3081
Cell Phone: +98-917-303-7388
Fax: +98-713-230-3081
E-mail: khunjush{at}shirazu{dot}ac{dot}ir